Structure, characteristics and operational principle of the intelligent IC card type kilowatt-hour meter used for advance payment have been described in this paper. 介绍了智能IC卡预付费电度表的结构、特点及工作原理;讨论了该表在准确性、安全性和可靠性等方面的问题;指出了该表的现状及发展方。
Security Strategy of IC Card Kilowatt-hour Meter IC卡电能表安全策略试论美国的反扩散战略
Research into the Electronic and Intellectualized Kilowatt-hour Meter with Single Phase for Multi-users 电子式多用户智能单相有功电能表研制
Single Chip Computer Controlled Digital Kilowatt-hour Meter 单片机控制的数字式电度表
Elimination and Common Breakdown of Induction Type Kilowatt-hour Meter 感应式电能表常见故障及排除
The design can be widely used in wireless automatic charge and meter transcription system of kilowatt-hour meter, water meter and gas meter. 该设计可广泛用于电度表、水表、燃气的无线自动收费和抄表系统中。
The implementing process of resident prepayment kilowatt-hour meter by Beijing Electric Power Company, as well as its technical characteristics and improvement are presented. 介绍了北京电力公司居民预付费电能表工程实施的进程。阐述了北京电力公司预付费电能表技术和特点,以及预付费电能表的改进方向。
Face runout of spindle it's influence for center-less grinding A Research of A Dynamic Detecting Instrument for Kilowatt-hour Meter Disc Deviation 无心磨削时主轴端跳及其影响电度表圆盘端跳量动态检测仪器的研制
A Kind of Optical Measuring Kilowatt-hour Meter Based the Light Combination Modulation 一种基于组合光调制的光测电度表的设计
Four-Quadrant Reactive Energy Measurement in Multifunctional Kilowatt-Hour Meter 多功能电能表中的四象限无功电能测量
XDW-1 Microcomputer-Based Testing Meter for Testing Error of the Electrical Kilowatt-hour Meter XDW-1微机电度表误差测试仪
Accurate gage of the locomotive power, active and passive, are realized via the intelligent kilowatt-hour meter, making the scientificmanagement of locomotive power possible at the same time. 该系统实现了机车用电(有功、无功)的准确计量,同时为机车用电的科学管理打下了基础。
This paper reports the study on measuring kilowatt-hour meter error by means of combining hardware of microcomputer with its software. 本文简述了利用微机硬软件技术相结合对电度表误差进行测试的研究工作。
A new safety strategy of IC card kilowatt-hour meter is presented in this paper. 本文从窃电后的证据获得方面对IC卡电能表的安全性进行了讨论。
A Study On Measuring Kilowatt-Hour Meter Error With Technique of Microcomputer 利用微机技术测量电度表误差的研究
It can be used in checkout of electric kilowatt-hour meter and automatic frequency load-dropping debug in power supply system. 可作为电能表校验的信号源,也可用于电力系统按频率自动减负荷设备的调试等。
Mechanical design of the device for correcting axial needle on kilowatt-hour meter 电能表轴针校正仪的机械设计
Intelligent kilowatt-hour meter system for electric locomotives 电力机车专用智能电度表系统
Simple and Easy Methods of Testing a Single-phase Kilowatt-hour Meter in Worksite 单相电度表简易现场校验法
An Electronical Advance Payment Kilowatt-hour Meter Which Remote Controlled By Infrared Warning: The Payment Trap 全电子式红外遥控预付费电度表跨越薪酬管理的陷阱
The kilowatt-hour meter reading system adopts CLIENT-SERVER structure that is to use a PC with multiple lower level reading meters method. 抄表系统采用CLIENT-SERVER结构,即采用一台PC服务器带多只下位机抄表仪的方式。
JUMP SHOT A Research of A Dynamic Detecting Instrument for Kilowatt-hour Meter Disc Deviation 电度表圆盘端跳量动态检测仪器的研制